My School Essay

My school holds a special place in my heart, as it has been the backdrop for many significant moments in my life. From the early days of kindergarten to the challenges of high school, my school has been a constant companion in my educational journey. In this essay, I will take you through the various stages of my school life, highlighting key experiences and lessons learned along the way.

My School Essay

My School Essay for Class 1

Every day, I go to my school. It has many classrooms with colorful walls. It has many tree. Many teachers teach in my school. All are very qualified. There is a big ground in my school. At break time I play with my friends in the playground. We laugh and have fun together. Sometimes we have special days for sports or art. I feel safe and happy when I am at school. I make new friends and learn good things. My school feels like my second home. I really love my school!

Also Read: My Last Day At School

My School Essay for Class 4

I read in Shining Star School. It is a famous school. It has many classrooms. The walls are colorful. We have lots of books. The teachers are nice. They teach us many things. During break time, we play outside. There is a playground. We have swings and slides. Sometimes we have picnics. We bring food and eat together. I have many friends at school. We laugh and talk together. I feel happy when I’m at school. I love my school very much.

My School Essay for Class 6

My school is a big place with many classrooms. The walls are painted in bright colors. We have tables and chairs for seating. There are windows to let in the sunlight. We learn different. Our teachers are kind and helpful. They patiently explain things to us. During the break, we go to the playground. We play games like tag and hide and seek. There are swings and slides to play on. Sometimes, we have assemblies in our hall. We sing songs and listen to speeches. In the cafeteria, we eat lunch with our friends. We have a vacation where we can chat and relax. The school has a library which has many books. We borrow books to study at home. I love going to school every day. It’s a place where I can learn and have fun. I feel happy and safe at my school. I am grateful for all the friends I have made there.

My School Essay for Class 10

My school is a place where I spend most of my weekdays. It is a large building with many classrooms, a library, a playground and a canteen. Every morning, I wake up early to get ready for school. I put on my uniform and pack my bag with books and lunch. Then, I walk or take the bus to get to school on time. When I enter the school gate, I see familiar faces of classmates and teachers. We greet each other and chat before going to our classrooms.

In my school, different teachers teach different subjects. We have classes like Maths, Science, English, History and Art. Each subject has its own classroom, and we move from class to class according to our timetable. During lessons, teachers explain topics, and we take notes or participate in discussions. Sometimes, we work on group projects or do experiments in the science lab. It’s fun to learn new things every day and better understand the world around you.

During the lunch break, we gather in the ground to eat together. Some students bring home lunches, while others buy food from the canteen. We share stories, jokes and sometimes help each other with homework. After lunch, we have some free time to play in the playground or relax before the afternoon classes begin. As the school day ends, we pack our bags and say goodbye to our friends and teachers. Then, I go back home, looking forward to another day at my school.

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